baby eats when baby wants: nursing in public

Welcome to The Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival!

This post was written as part of The Breastfeeding Cafe’s Carnival. For more info on the Breastfeeding Cafe, go to For more info on the Carnival or if you want to participate, contact Claire at clindstrom2 {at} gmail {dot} com. Today’s post is about nursing in public. Please read the other blogs in today’s carnival listed below and check back for more posts July 18th through the 31st!

Ryan has been exclusively breastfed for over 6 months now. If I only fed him in private, I’d never get out of my house. I remember when he was first born and I finally ventured out of the house… I tried to plan quick trips around his feeding schedule. I was completely nervous and scared to breastfeed in public. I didn’t know what I was doing–I didn’t have the routine down and was sure I’d be flashing all sorts of people or have a crying baby that would attract all sorts of attention, making privacy that much more difficult.

I had to outgrow that. When breastfeeding a baby, you just don’t have a choice. You’re going to be out, he’s going to need to eat. Some of you may remember my first “nursing in public” post, where I claimed that nursing Ryan in the women’s restroom was a success. GAH! Pretry bad, eh?

So what has changed? Why can I now nurse anywhere, anytime? Well, for one, experience. I’ve got it down pat–I don’t even think twice, it’s routine. I nurse BEFORE Ryan gets cranky (less attention drawn our way), and latch him on so quickly no one even knows the difference.

Secondly… need. Ryan needs to eat and I need to leave the house. There isn’t really another option. I could bring a bottle with me, but pumped milk is liquid gold. I’d rather save it for when we really need it. Plus, Ryan doesn’t take a bottle from his mama so well.

Third… I have support. My friends have never uttered a word, my husband will politely block us from view (if needed). Once we were at a restaurant in a crowded area waiting to be seated. I had to crouch on the window ledge for a seat. People were everywhere. Steve kindly draped his jacked over my shoulder for just enough cover to be comfortable–but not so much that Ryan was uncomfortable. You make do with what you have.

As I said in my post yesterday, I’ve never had a negative remark or look while nursing in public–thank goodness. I wouldn’t want to be the unlucky person who decides to mess with me and my baby. MOMMA GOT CLAWS.

How do you make nursing in public comfortable for you? For your baby? Have you had bad (or great) experiences?

Here are more posts by the Breastfeeding Cafe Carnival participants! Check back because more will be added throughout the day.

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