snack time: mini chicken sandwiches

Ryan is a snacker. He’s a skinny kid and he just doesn’t eat a lot during one meal. So we usually have a couple snack times throughout the day… between breakfast and lunch and again between lunch and dinner. And maybe even another before bed! Meals are pretty easy. But I like to find new, fun ideas for snack time.

Ryan LOVES to “dip!” So pairing a food with a dipping sauce is almost a sure way to get the kid to eat about anything. He immediately sees the sauce and says “dip! dip!”

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chicken pesto pasta: #GrilledEssentials

Hillshire Farm has come out with a brand new product, Grilled Essentials. They’re packs of 2 grilled chicken breasts that come in different flavors. I used to be a vegetarian so let’s just say I hate cooking raw meat. Sometimes I cook it for my family to eat, but I won’t eat any of it. Buying something like this that’s pre-cooked and ready to go? Totally awesome.

AND it saves so.much.time. Another huge plus for all you busy mamas. When I made this dinner, Steve

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