Pregnancy Tests: newly redesigned First Response Early Detection

I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

The moment you find out you’re pregnant is probably a moment you’ll always remember. Maybe you even took a photo of the positive pregnancy test, a memento to store in the baby book. I have pictures of both of my positive pregnancy tests!

The first time I got pregnant, it just took one test. It was very clearly positive, but I was also about a week late. The second time, I tested earlier and that’s when the pregnancy tests can be confusing. Is there a line or not?! I took multiple tests over multiple days to confirm that pregnancy and had wished I just started with the early detection tests in the first place!

First Response pregnancy tests

The First Response Early Detection Pregnancy Test can detect pregnancy as early as 6 days before your missed period! Its easy-to-read results appear within 3 minutes and have over 99% accuracy from the day of the expected period.

First Response pregnancy tests

And it gets better… they’ve completely redesigned their Early Detection Pregnancy Test to make life even easier. It’s the small things! The new Comfort Sure design has a nicely curved shape to better fit a woman’s hand, a 50% wider tip, and a longer handle.

You can test anytime of day and it’s designed to detect all relevant forms of urinary hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) throughout pregnancy. Two pink lines? Pregnant! I obviously had to test it out…

First Response pregnancy tests

Oh, nope, not pregnant over here 😉 If we do go for Baby Dickey #3, I’ll be looking for the newly designed Comfort Sure First Response Early Detection Pregnancy Test. It’s a brand name I know I can trust, it’s easy to use, and I can save my sanity by testing early.

Do you remember the moment you found out you were pregnant?

You can find more information at First Response and pick up your own pregnancy tests at all major drugstores and grocery stores for a retail value between $8.99 and $15.99.


I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

7 comments to Pregnancy Tests: newly redesigned First Response Early Detection

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  • Grey

    Amazing information about Pregnancy test. I think it is complete details if once wants to check her first response on getting pregnant. I totally agree that in some cases it can’t be correct but at the same time home base pregnancy test could be helpful. Do you wonder if you can bleaching hair while pregnant if so, please the read the full article.


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