Customize Your Ride: Build-a-Wagon by Radio Flyer

Radio Flyer is a brand name I’ve loved since I was a kid. For our son’s first Christmas, we got him one of those classic, wooden Radio Flyer wagons. It’s a reliably awesome and fun brand with high quality and dependable products that every kid (and parent!) love! And now they have the COOLEST gift idea: customize your ride…

radio flyer wagon

You can build-a-wagon, build-a-trike, or build-a-balance bike! How fun for your child to get involved, help pick out the features of their new wagon or bike online, and see the completed, customized toy in person!

I had Ryan, our 4-year-old, help with every step of the process on our new Radio Flyer wagon. First, select the base. Do you want a classic steel and wood wagon? Or a modern plastic wagon with seat options? With two toddlers in our house, we went with the plastic Radio Flyer wagon so they’d each have their own special seat!

Radio Flyer Wagon

Then, add your accessories! Do you want seat pads? They slide on the plastic seats for added comfort and they have pockets on the back. What kind of canopy? There’s one big one, two smaller ones, or cute umbrellas! Ryan chose the two separate ones so him and his sister could each have their own 😉

We also added on a storage bag that I thought would be handy for things on long walks or park visits—snacks, diapers, sunscreen, etc. The wagon also has its own cup holders.

Select a fabric option, add a nameplate if you’d like, and you’re all set!!! We could not WAIT to get our customized Radio Flyer Wagon in the  mail!

Radio Flyer WagonEasy enough for my 4yo to pull his 2yo sister 🙂

Even cooler?!?! The seats rearrange! You can have them face each other (like in my photos) or you can move one of them so they both face forward (then your feisty toddlers can’t kick each other, haha).

You can also turn the back of one seat horizontal so it becomes a tray for the child in the other seat…. that makes this wagon super friendly for a one-child family, too!

Radio Flyer WagonMy feisty toddlers these days always say, “no pictures, mom!!!”

You can see they each have plenty of room, even while facing in toward each other. Each canopy is also adjusted individually for their own liking. I’m happy with our customized choices!

The only thing about these separate canopies is if you turn one seat the other direction, the canopy is not quite overhead anymore. In that case, the one large one would work best, but these still do just fine!

Radio Flyer Wagon: customize your ride!

Radio Flyer Wagon

This is a great gift idea for the upcoming holidays! Build a wagon with your kids and surprise the grandparents with it to keep at their house! Or design your own with your kids’ names on the  nameplate and surprise them!

You can build-a-wagon with Radio Flyer starting at $105 and up. Check out all the options and fun fabrics! You can also find Radio Flyer on Facebook and Twitter.

~Product was received to facilitate this review. Any opinions are my own.

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