Doctor Appointment: last one?

I went to the doctor this morning… I’m one day away from my due date!

Weight: 148. I now weigh more than Steve’s little (20yr old) brother, haha. Total weight gain of 32 pounds.

Blood pressure: 110/62

Fundal height: 35—he’s moving down, she said

Baby’s heart rate: I have no idea what she said. She heard it mid-belly and was worried that meant he was breech (same thing happened last week). I was too focused on that and the fact that she said if he IS breech, I’d be having a c-section tomorrow. But apparently heart rate was fine.

Internal exam:
*Dilated 1 cm
*Effaced 70%
*Head down! She poked his head, so all is good.

She said my cervix is still curved around high up there, which I could have guessed by how hard of a time she had getting up there to check. OUCH.

She’s hoping I go into labor this weekend—and she is the doc on call all weekend, so that’d be awesome—but if not, I have an appointment for Monday. They’ll do a non-stress test and an ultrasound to check amniotic fluid levels—just to make sure baby is still okay. If all is well, we’ll discuss setting an induction date 🙁 She said inducing right now would be pointless because with the stage I’m at, induction would take foreeeever—which is OK with me because I don’t want an induction anyway!

But hey, remember my labor plan? I won’t make my appointment on Monday because the baby is coming SATURDAY! right?! Cross your fingers…

Steve and I walked through Target after the appointment and took the stairs to our apartment.. I wanted to buy some evening primrose oil from Target, but Steve said no (not yet)… he doesn’t trust stuff like that and said he’d rather wait until we were desperate. I’m already desperate, but him? not so much, haha. We bought the book “The Night Before Christmas,” which I’ve been meaning to buy for awhile because it’s tradition to read that on Christmas Eve! Now I just need to finish embroidering our names on our new stockings…

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