Happy Spring! Potted bulbs with Longfield Gardens

Can you believe it’s spring?! This winter has been pretty brutal and we still have some snow on the ground here (we hadn’t seen the grass since late November until now!) with freezing temps. I always hate the cold weather anyway, but I’m sooo over this season. I’ve already pulled out the flip flops and t-shirts and packed away the sweaters. Spring means hoodies, robins in the trees, iced coffee, walks outside with the kids, days at the park, and flowers. We can’t have spring without the flowers!

In the fall I wrote about

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Ryan’s first garden! #GoGreenNGiggle #CBias

I think we’re a pretty eco-friendly family, or at least we try to be. We recycle, have a backyard compost pile, a rain barrel to collect water… we buy organic foods and local when we can, we try to stick to all-natural products, especially for skincare and cleaning supplies… we turn off lights and appliances when not in use…

So of course we plan to raise Ryan the same way. I mean, it’s not something we really think about teaching Ryan–kids observe everything and do what their parents do.

At 2 years old, Ryan

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We compost, do you?

We’re all about being green, recycling, and all that good jazz. We’ve had gardens in the past, but we’re in a new house and didn’t have time to set one up this year. However, we DID start composting. My hubby made a nice little compost pile in our backyard….

Pretty, right? Okay, okay, it’s an eye-sore. I know. Can someone tell my hubby that? But what to do… we want to compost, we want it for our garden next year, we love putting waste to use.

TA-DA! Clean

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