Jake’s Never Land Rescue: Nov 19 – pre-order now!

Ryan loves Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, fairies, and pirates… all of it. We’re even having a pirate-themed 4th birthday party for him next month! And it allllll started with Jake and the Never Land Pirates! We were recently sent the new DVD, Jake’s Never Land Rescue, and Ryan couldn’t have been more thrilled when it arrived. I wish a new movie could make me skip and hop around the house in circles, haha.

In this movie, Never Land is starting to disappear, bits and pieces at a time… Jake’s sword,

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Monsters University now on DVD & Blu-ray!

Product was received to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own!

Monsters Inc has always been a favorite in our house so when we heard they were coming out with another one, Monsters University, we decided it would be Ryan’s FIRST trip to the movie theater! He’s almost 4-years-old and we thought it might be risky, but he’s getting into movies now and we knew he loved Monsters Inc, so we went for it. And it was awesome; he loved it!

Monsters University takes us back to the time

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Wish I could be… part of that world!

~I received product to facilitate this review of The Little Mermaid on Blu-ray/DVD. All opinions are my own!

I want allllllll the Disney movies. I remember going over to my 2nd grade teacher’s house when I was a little kid (why? I have no idea), but I DO remember that she had a bookshelf FULL of Disney movies. I mean, like every one ever. And I.was.jealous. It instantly became my life goal, haha. Now with the new releases on Blu-ray and DVD (and, oh yea, it’s FOR THE KIDS, I

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Peter Pan’s Return to Neverland!

Ryan is loving all things PIRATE right now. It started when he discovered Jake and the Neverland Pirates… since then he pretends to be a pirate, steering his ship (the swingset) in our backyard, yelling “ahoy!” and keeping us all safe from the “bad” pirates. It’s been too much fun (maybe a pirate themed birthday party this winter?!) so when I was sent Peter Pan: Return to Neverland for review I couldn’t wait to show him!

Ryan’s best pirate face, complete with a “born to be wild” pirate shirt! (Cozumel)

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Never Grow Up! Peter Pan’s 60th anniversary

If you could be a kid for a day, what would you do?! Finger paint, be a superhero, or make mud pies? My husband excitedly said, without any hesitation at all, “build a snow fort!!!” And then he went into a story from his childhood–adorable 🙂

There are a million amazing things about having kids, but one of the best is being a kid myself. I mean, I build forts with Ryan, sometimes we eat cookies for breakfast (shhh!), I roll around on the floor and get silly… they keep me young!

In honor

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family nights with my babies

I have an older brother and when we were little, we had “family night” one night a week. Many of my childhood memories come from these nights. My parents would take turns with each kid every week so my brother and I got quality alone time with each parent, without the other sibling around. We’d switch the activity each week, too–so one week we’d stay in and play board games or make a craft and the next week we’d go out to an arcade or mini-putting or our “special place.”

I really want to

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