Safety Comes First With Munchkin

~My contributor, Joanna, received product to facilitate this review from Munchkin. All opinions and photos are her own!

It’s been some time now that Miss E has been crawling everywhere and getting in to everything! She loves to “take things out” and “put in” …which includes taking everything out of kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Some of the things in those cabinets are glass, or heavy, and just not safe for a baby girl to be tossing around. I knew we needed to get our baby proofing going so I was excited to

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Our poor attempt at babyproofing

Ryan started crawling a few weeks ago and shortly after he started pulling himself up to stand. Just the other day he started scooting along the side of the couch while standing. We have a mobile machine!

And we totally weren’t prepared. I figure you should probably babyproof BEFORE your baby is able to get all over the house, so you don’t run into problems like this:

Little stinker! And outlets are even more attractive to little baby fingers when they’re low to the ground and baby can crawl right up to them.

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Ryan is CRAWLING! (vlogs)

Seriously, it happened overnight. He went from rocking on his knees to CRUISING. We are SO not ready for this! I thought they eased into it more? Okay, the rocking should have been a clear sign, but… we are SO not ready for this! He’s a mover. And he seems to know exactly what he’s not supposed to have or where he’s not supposed to go. Umm, baby cage, anyone? So help me out, what are the must-have baby proofing products? What do we really need and what are your favorites???

This first video

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